Transcribers Digest

Interviews are standard practice for any business. HR uses them to screen candidates, sales use them to find out what customers need, marketers use them to pick brains in user interviews, and managers use them for yearly reviews.

Once these interviews wrap up, is it worth getting an interview transcription? 

Read on to find out. 

Should Interviews Be Transcribed?

It depends. 

And yes, that’s a frustrating answer. However, whether to transcribe interviews or not will depend on the purpose of the interview and what you intend to do with it after.

But generally, here are examples of interviews that you should absolutely transcribe:

1. HR Interviews

Your HR department will conduct plenty of interviews throughout the year. Usually, these interviews should be transcribed to capture vital details and guarantee a comprehensive record of discussions. Let’s see which areas in HR benefit most from transcripts.

2. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) Interviews

Many companies often interview SMEs within and outside the company for marketing efforts and product improvement. These transcripts will speed up the creation process for marketing assets. Instead of going through an hour-long video to find the perfect quote, your team would just copy and paste from a ready transcript. 

It would be best to have a transcription for these SME interviews.

3. Marketing Research Interviews

You need to do marketing research interviews to provide your customers with the best services and products. However, audio and video recordings are inefficient for analyzing the findings. Transcripts do a better job.

Here’s why:

4. Sales Discovery Calls

Sales calls with leads can make or break your revenue. As such, having a transcript of your high-ticket sales calls is essential. Transcribing these calls allows your team to:

5. Customer Support Calls

Transcribing customer support calls is super important for your business. It helps you figure out common issues customers face with your company. What’s more, seeing how customers word their issues can give you ideas on how to serve them better. 

FAQs on Interview Transcription

What are the Disadvantages of Transcribing Interviews?

The main disadvantage is the cost of transcription. That said, the benefits of interview transcription outweigh the cons. For starters, interview transcriptions save time, streamline research data, and offer a comprehensive record. 

Is Verbatim Transcription of Interview Data Always Necessary?

Verbatim transcription for interviews is not always necessary. It comes down to the context of your interview. 

For instance, if you need to capture every spoken word, including filler words and hesitations, go with verbatim. A good example where this is necessary would be grievances and disciplinary hearings with employees. 

In cases where content is more critical than exact wording, an edited transcription will suffice. A marketer’s interview with your company’s lead engineer is a perfect example of this scenario. 

Unlock Valuable Data With Interview Transcription Services

Transcribers Digest is an interview transcription company that can help you transcribe all your interviews. With us, you can expect:

For pocket-friendly and quality interview transcription services, contact Transcribers Digest today.

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